Hello everybody! This
will be a small blog. I just wanted to share with you this 4 months journey.
February 1st, 2017, I started a blog as part of my dream of being a
life coach. Why a blog? Because I wanted people to see how my real life is and
how I get up from the bottom and balance my TrueSelf.
It has been an
amazing experience, and I am looking forward for more things to come. I am
extremely grateful for everyone who has tried their best to keep up with my
blog and for my husband trying his best to edit it without changing too much.
February was a month of starting just the blog, March was a month of creating
my formal business, April came, and my first instinct was just to find clients
with no good luck.
I went to a
coaching session with a lady whom I really admire. Under normal circumstances I
could not afford her services, but I asked my source for some guidance, and it
came. This person offered a group class for a very affordable price, and I
signed up right away. When I arrived, instead of being 15 women, we were just
2. How cool was that!
I told her, “Why
is it that I manifest everything in my life except my clients?”
She answered, “Let’s
pretend that your blog goes crazy tomorrow. Would you able to handle 25 clients
right away?”
“No way,” I said.
“The universe won’t
give it to you until you are prepared for it.”
And that totally
made sense to me. So April became a month of preparation. I printed the forms I
needed, I signed up for few more courses, and I prepared for success. May came,
and my goal was just to recuperate what I had spent to create my business. All
of a sudden, my goal was realized in the first week of May!
What is my goal
for June? To have an income.
I realized selling
is not my thing, so instead of trying harder at that I just decided to network.
Networking has been a blessing; I have enjoyed it so much. I love helping
people with their businesses, and there is no doubt that karma is acting in my
My website is up
and running. It is not perfect and needs some help, but it is there.
Testimonials are here; I just need to put them up on the website. I have been
fortunate to have people publishing what I write, interviewed me, etc.
The most I am
grateful for is my clients for whom I deeply care. I am so proud of them for
trying their best, for being real with me and most importantly that they trust
me. What they don’t know is that in the process I help myself because of them.
When I talk to them, I talk to me. It is amazing how this works. We walk through
this journey together.
I will need your
help to hit my next goals. So far I have in my blog 4,812 views in Google; I
would love to hit the 5,000 mark by the end of June. On my Facebook page I have
192 followers; I would love to get to 200 by the end of June. If you like any
of my blog posts share them or invite people to like my page. That is a huge
help for my business.
Thank you again
and don’t forget:
Be your TrueSelf
Instagram: www.instagram.com/balancemytrueself
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