Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Original Sin

What do you think is the Original Sin? Is it a phrase that only relates to religious people? Or is it something that everybody just understands? For years I have tried to process these two words. When I was younger, I asked the priest and now as an adult I asked the pastor. And all those times the answer does not make sense to me.

How is it possible that a baby is already born with Original Sin? And what is that? What kind of sin? I still don’t get it, but because I have to get things, I made up my own concept of it. That way I can at least try to be polite every time I hear all of this and I just have to apply what I believe.

So, what so many people tried to explain to me in the past was that the original sin is the sin that we are all born with due to Adam and Eve not obeying God’s rule of not eating from the tree. I even understood that that is a metaphor for them having sex, and from there everything fell apart. Are we really talking about an apple here? Or is all of this metaphors for something else? How are we supposed to understand all this nonsense (for me) with metaphors and then wonder why we are all confused.

Now I understand why everybody has been so confused for so many generations and the amount of guilt/shame that people feel. Thank goodness in my concept there is no guilt or shame. I don’t need to be saved, and I get to create my own truth. Hopefully you don’t think I am being disrespectful to some religions. Actually, I admire that faith people have for something that really does not make sense. It sounds more like a curse than a blessing to believe in that, at least for me.

So what is the Original Sin for me? Hopefully I can explain it in words.

I believe (and you don’t have to agree) that we are all born perfect, amazing, with the divine. By divine, I mean the light, the truth, the love, the essence, etc. With the God inside and outside and through us, we can create and be, we can heal, and love unconditionally. It is the purest essence we ever were. I call it the TrueSelf, where nothing comes between you and It, whatever it means for you. God, the Law, Mother Earth, Jesus, Mohamed, etc. The real love for your own self. Nothing more, nothing less.

So, as soon as we are having our human experience, we are also exposed to other things, thoughts, energies, etc. Relationships are forms, rules are set and expectations are created. Perfection and unconditional love have been switched to brokenness and conditional love.

And there it is: the Original Sin. The sin that makes us believe that we are not It. The sin that makes us look outside of ourselves for the connection with It. The sin that makes us reach for the unknown when we already know who we really are. This sin of not seeing us as perfect when we actually are perfect. The sin of letting fear in and not trusting that we are capable of being It, the creator.

I actually think that Adam and Eve were perfect, but they tried to be God, and when they did the sin happened. But the sin was not actually what they did in a material way, like eating the apple or having sex (whichever is true). The sin was that they saw themselves separate from God. And as soon as that happened, the sin was originated.

The Original Sin is there and will always be. You can’t be saved because there is nothing to save you from. You are as pure as It, amazing as life, and yet we separate ourselves from the belief that we are capable of being It. The word sin has such a big meaning for so many people. It is sad to see how much we do when sin takes our lives or our loved ones’ lives.

Because I don’t like the word sin, I have changed it to the Separation. And since I did that, life is more beautiful. So from the Original Sin were born all kinds of sins, not just the original. Oh my goodness, there is a whole list, and the more judgmental we are the list keeps growing. Many complain that the world is fallen, that evil has arrived, that Judgment Day is near, whatever. We just need to go back to our TrueSelf as much as possible, and when we can’t to not beat ourselves up. Keep trying, because remember you are it!

And so it is, Amen


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